The next time you gift, make it an experience...

What is GX?

Gx stands for Gifting Experiences. It is a tool for finding experential gift options. These gifts rely on thoughtfulness and effort rather than spending money on material goods.

Gifting Experiences Resources:

What it means to me...

A few years ago, my family slowly made a shift in how we gifted. It caught on here, then there. Today, as a family, we know that we don't need "stuff" and for the things that we want, we can work towards them for ourselves. Instead- we gift experiences. Sometimes it's big like a family vacation, other times it's small like a nerf gun war. But, *every time* we're creating memories, and laughting together. Now, we try to be thoughtful, we try to make memories, and we have pictures of smiles, laughter and fun that could fill books. My goal in creating GX is to spread that cheer. To share with others what we have found. To hopefully encourage others to think outside the box, and focus on what matters with those we love.